Haley Ryan


Haley Ryan is the municipal affairs reporter for CBC covering mainland Nova Scotia. Got a story idea? Send an email to haley.ryan@cbc.ca, or reach out on Twitter @hkryan17.

Latest from Haley Ryan

Halifax getting 10 new firefighters, considers new homeless supports during budget talks

The city's budget committee approved both the $97.9-million Halifax Fire & Emergency budget and the $15.8-million community safety budget on Friday, after two days of discussion.

'One of the most unique facilities': Halifax aquarium set to open this fall seeks municipal funds

Halifax's first research aquarium plans to open this fall, and is looking for funding from the municipality to help with the costs needed to stay afloat.

Halifax firefighters' union asks city to pay for cancer screenings at private clinics

The Halifax firefighters' union is asking the municipality to pay for preventive cancer screenings at private clinics, after they say members were denied through the provincial health system.

How police handle intimate-partner violence in Nova Scotia

The provincial RCMP and Halifax Regional Police are either getting, or asking for, more domestic-violence resources, and taking part in initiatives aimed at reaching cases never reported to police.

Halifax considering 7.6% increase in property tax bills

Halifax staff say property taxes must rise to handle the municipality's growing population and ongoing projects.

Halifax considering 3 sites for new police headquarters

Halifax has identified three possible sites for a new municipal police headquarters, as city staff say the current 50-year-old location has long needed to be replaced.

Halifax staff suggest city and police should apologize for 2021 encampment evictions

On Monday, HRM staff presented to the city's board of police commissioners regarding the recommendations from a civilian review into the August 2021 homeless evictions in downtown Halifax.

Halifax-area man ordered to leave RV can stay — for now

Matthieu Tetreault was recently told he can stay in his RV until Halifax council makes a final decision about allowing RVs for residential use, likely coming in October.

Halifax council scraps overhaul of Windsor Street exchange

Halifax council has decided to stop the Windsor Street exchange redesign in its tracks, just months before construction could begin on the multi-million dollar project supported by all three levels of government.

Halifax concerned about quality of collision data from police

New data shows there were fewer deaths, but more injuries, on Halifax roads in 2023 compared with the previous year. However, municipal staff said they couldn't break down the injuries by severity because police reports have not always been accurate.