
Your North: Best reader photos for the weeks of March 12, 19, 26, April 2

Spring is here, and we're catching up on the past few weeks with a mega-gallery of your best shots from across the North! Check out your best shots from the past few weeks from across Yukon, Nunavik, Nunavut, and the Northwest Territories.

Send in your photos to our Facebook page or email

Spring is here, and we're catching up on the past few weeks with a mega-gallery of your best shots from across the North!

Check out your best shots from the past few weeks from across Yukon, Nunavik, Nunavut, and the Northwest Territories:

Don't we all make that face when it's the weekend? Douglas Gee sent us this fantastic shot from the Yukon Wildlife Preserve. (Submitted by Douglas Gee)
Look up! Bill Williams sent us this beautiful aurora photo from Kugluktuk, Nunavut. (Submitted by Bill Williams)
All bunched up: Johnny Oovaut sent us this amazing shot of muskox, taken near Quaqtaq, Nunavik. (Submitted by Johnny Oovaut)
An unusual traffic stop! Don Voyageur sent us this shot of a buffalo in the middle of the winter road between Fort Chipewyan, Alberta, and Fort Smith, Northwest Territories. (Submitted by Don Voyageur)
Enjoying a peaceful scene. Genevieve Desrosiers sent us this beautiful shot from Puvirnituq, Nunavik. (Submitted by Genevieve Desrosiers)
A lovely pink moon emerges over the hills in Yellowknife, in this shot by Arthur Boutilier. Since it was the second full moon in March, it was technically a 'blue moon' - but it sure doesn't look very blue! (Submitted by Arthur Boutilier)
Out on delivery! This is Merlyn Recinos, the Economic Development Officer in Igloolik, Nunavut, helping deliver fish and caribou last week. The food was purchased with the left over funding from Christmas hampers. (Submitted by Rhoda Angutimarik)
This spectacular Sahtu sunset, sent to us by Reza Behboudi, feels like something out of a movie. He took this shot in Norman Wells, N.W.T. (Submitted by Reza Behboudi)
The Snowking castle is finished for the 2018 season, but not before Martin Male caught the Yellowknife landmark in all its glory - complete with aurora, the perfect backdrop. (Submitted by Martin Male)
Lola and Bella head out for a ride on Yukon's Dawson Trail! Cathie Archbould snapped this shot of the pair on break. (Submitted by Cathie Archbould)
Light pillars never get old: Sylvain Paradis sent us this spectacular photo of the weather phenomenon from Inukjuaq, Nunavik. (Submitted by Sylvain Paradis)
That's quite a tusk! Saki Arnaquq sent us this shot from Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut. (Submitted by Saki Arnaquq)
The aurora don't get much better than this. Norma Waddington sent us this shot, taken over Carcross, Yukon. (Submitted by Norma Waddington)
'What's with all this snow? Someone told me it's the first day of Spring!' said the Yukon squirrel. She did not seem phased one bit by the fresh snow received on the change of seasons. Thanks to Tony Gonda for the photo (and squirrel translation). (Submitted by Tony Gonda)
Digging out after a blizzard! After Baker Lake, Nunavut, was hammered by snow, residents had to 'rediscover the roads,' according to Shannon Arsenault. She sent us this photo of the aftermath of some of the digging! (Submitted by Shannon Arsenault)