Your North: Best reader photos for the weeks of July 23, 30, Aug. 6, 13
It's been a few weeks since our last gallery, so we're catching up with a super-sized edition: four weeks of your best photos from across the North.
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It's been a few weeks since our last gallery, so we're catching up with a super-sized edition: four weeks of your best photos from across the North.
Take a look at the best shots from the past four weeks from Nunavik, Nunavut, the Northwest Territories, and the Yukon:
'Can't you see I'm taking a bath?' Actually, this female grizzly was in the midst of a fishing expedition near Atlin when caught by the camera of Yukon photographer Robert Postma. (Submitted by Robert Postma)
The end of July brought a lightning storm to remember in Yellowknife. Bill Braden sent us this incredible photo from the heart of the city. (Submitted by Bill Braden)
A postcard-worthy shot from Kyle Moesesie, who sent us this incredible view from a narwhal hunt. 'That's Jayko Enuaraq from Clyde River,' he said. 'That's near Iglutalik (Home Bay).' (Submitted by Kyle Moesesie)
A lynx that means business! Dorian Smoler spotted this 'resident lynx' at Gravel Lake, Yukon. (Submitted by Dorian Smoler)
They're back! Collin Goyman spotted the aurora over Yellowknife's Old Town earlier this month. (Submitted by Collin Goyman)
In early August, Iqaluit was bathed in shades of pink. Elisapi Nowdlak took this photo of the community at about 9:30 p.m., saying 'it's like a pink lightbulb turned on over the city.' (Submitted by Elisapi Nowdlak)
Yellowknife's Long Lake brings stunning colours along with it as the year moves into August. Andrea McMullen snapped this shot of the magic. (Submitted by Andrea McMullen)
Gillian Lavoie took this amazing shot of the famous igloo church in Inuvik, N.W.T., in the wee hours of the morning. It looks suitably otherworldly in the late sunlight. (Submitted by Gillian Lavoie)
What a way to beat the summer heat! Karen King shared this photo of the coast guard crew of the Eckaloo cooling off in the Mackenzie River at the government dock in Inuvik, N.W.T. (Submitted by Karen King)
A tranquil moment. James Atkinson Jr. sent this gorgeous Yukon landscape to us via Facebook. (Submitted by James Atkinson Jr.)
Ready to hit the skies: Maggie Leary spotted this youngster in Whitehorse contemplating its next flight. (Submitted by Maggie Leary)
Keeping watch? Maata Qitsualuk sent this extraordinary photo taken after midnight in Ivujuvik, Nunavik, on July 26. 'Most of them are girls except for two boys,' she said. 'We went for a tea outside and the horizon was so amazing that we ended up taking good pictures.' No kidding! (Submitted by Maata Qitsualuk)
That's a big bear! Johnny Oovaut spotted this polar bear popping onto an ice floe near Quaqtaq, Nunavik. (Submitted by Johnny Oovaut)
With smoky skies as a backdrop these Dawson City, Yukon, poppies appear to be stretching as high as the sunflower. (Submitted by Minnie Clark)
An Arctic fox kit licks its lips as it starts to grow back its winter fur. Rich Inootik snapped this shot near Resolute Bay, Nunavut. (Submitted by Rich Inootik)
What a catch! Pamela Inuktalik's son Adam Inuktalik caught this 47 pound 'monster trout' in Great Bear Lake, N.W.T. (Submitted by Pamela Inuktalik)
The caribou are on the move. Lucina Carrier sent us this shot of a late-night crossing near Kangirsuk, Nunavik. (Submitted by Lucina Carrier)