Whitehorse ski hill's funding request doubles
Great Northern Ski Society asks for $800,000 from city council

The Great Northern Ski Society has doubled its funding request of Whitehorse city council.
Last week, operators of the Mount Sima ski hill asked the City of Whitehorse for $400,000 to bail it out. At this week's meeting, council learned the ski hill actually needs $800,000.
"Subsequent to the public input night, administration has been informed that an additional $400,000 would be required for start-up in the fall of 2013," said finance manager Val Anderson.
City operations manager Rob Fendrick said the request came in an email even though the society knew they needed twice the amount last week.
"They were aware but I think it was just kind of confusion on their part," he said.
Even councillors were taken by surprise.
Dave Stockdale said he has been hearing from angry citizens since the last meeting.
"No one has walked up to me on the street and said ‘Support Mount Sima.’"
Council will now look at whether it can find the funding but the prevailing sentiment seems to be "no."