Tender deadline extended for Whitehorse high school
The deadline for tenders to rebuild Whitehorse’s F.H. Collins Secondary School has been extended by the Yukon government.
The deadline for contractors to submit tenders for the project is moved to Feb. 26 from Feb. 15.
Education officials say the extension was requested by contractors, who are still figuring out prices on various aspects of the project.
"I think we had something like 60 or some requests for changes in product, and each one of those needs to be evaluated on its merits," said Cynthia Tucker, assistant deputy minister of the Yukon Department of Highways and Public Works.
"So you've got this process going on and what we hope by entertaining that process is that we get a better product, at a reasonable price, with the best outcome possible in the timeframe."
Tucker said the fall 2015 completion date for the new school will not be affected by the extension.