Some progress made on Yukon housing situation, says report
Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition's report card gives Yukon an 'improving' grade
The Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition says though progress is being made, the plight of the homeless and people in substandard housing is still desperate.
In its second annual progress report on housing, the coalition is giving the Yukon an "improving" grade for improving housing options.
The coalition gave the territory good marks for developing a new women’s transition home, the Steve Cardiff house, and starting work on a territory-wide housing strategy.
Housing committee member Bill Thomas says the work is crucial.
"Imagine the tension; imagine the stress; imagine the burdens of not having suitable and secure housing," he said.
Coalition member Heather Ashthorne says while there have been improvements, much more remains to be done.
"There's no significant movement on increasing the affordable rental housing stock in Whitehorse," she said.
The coalition said it will continue to monitor the housing situation closely over the coming year and will issue a follow up report. In the meantime it urges Yukoners to get involved in developing the Yukon Housing Corporation's housing strategy.