Quebec approves money to rebuild Aupaluk school after fire
The Quebec Ministry of Education has approved the allocation of money to rebuild Tarsakallak School in Aupaluk, which was destroyed in a fire last year.
Province contributing $12M of the $16M total cost of reconstruction
The Quebec Ministry of Education has approved funding to rebuild Tarsakallak School in Aupaluk, which was destroyed in a fire last year.
The school went up in flames March 15, 2014. Students are currently attending school in temporary classrooms in three separate buildings in the community.
Construction of the new school began in July 2015 and is expected to be completed by August 2016.
The total cost of the reconstruction project is estimated at $16,807,377, with $12,043,033 coming from the Quebec government, $4,014,344 from the federal government and $750,000 from the Northern Village of Aupaluk.