Final tally isn't in yet, but N.W.T. Miracle food drive a success, says organizer
Inspired by community-led events in southern Ontario, July 1 food drive collects food across N.W.T.

A massive food drive effort known as the N.W.T. Miracle popped up on July 1, with residents across the territory going door to door in their communities to fight food insecurity in the North.
Organizer Michael Bokor says the food drive was a way for communities to show solidarity with each other in the midst of a global pandemic.
"It was amazing. It was one of the best days of my life," said Bokor. "I think the COVID[-19] crisis put a lot of things into perspective for people about food insecurity and what it's like to lose your job suddenly — and be struggling when maybe you hadn't struggled before."
Bokor was inspired by similar events organized in southern Ontario in May and June, including one his sister took part in. The events pulled in massive amounts of food from their communities.

"There's so much food insecurity in the North, even if we can do something that's … a fraction of what they did, it would really help people out here," he said.
According to the NWT Miracle Facebook page, about 300 people agreed with Bokor and marked themselves as "participating" in the event.
Bokor said volunteers in Yellowknife, Fort Smith, Inuvik and Hay River went door to door gathering food that residents left outside their homes to be picked up. Food was also collected in Norman Wells, according to photos on the N.W.T. Miracle Facebook page.
- Read more about the June 27th Miracle in Windsor-Essex that inspired the food drive in the N.W.T.
The total amount of food raised has yet to be tallied. It will be distributed by organizations in each community, including Inuvik's Legion, Hay River's Anglican Church and Fort Smith's Food Bank and Uncle Gabe's Friendship Centre.
In Yellowknife, the YWCA, Salvation Army, and the Yellowknife Women's Society will receive donations, and N.W.T. Miracle will offer any extra food to the public by making food hampers.