No woman without, period! Group collects menstrual products for homeless women
'This is truly a dignity issue for women,' says executive director Denise McKee

It's a side of homelessness that's rarely discussed — what do women living on the street do when they get their periods?
The N.W.T. Disabilities Council is trying to make that time of the month much easier for women experiencing homelessness in Yellowknife.
The organization has launched a donation drive asking for products like tampons, maxi pads, and even Midol.
- OUT IN THE OPEN | Getting your period while homeless
The idea came after the council began seeing a greater need for menstrual products among women of all ages who have their periods while on the street.
"They have to utilize the money that they have or even pan-handle to acquire these [products]," said Denise McKee, the council's executive director.
"There are other parts of their life and other needs that go unmet. And really, it's a basic human function."

She also said when women can't access the appropriate supplies, they often end up using things like tissues or pieces of cloth.
McKee said other issues women in Yellowknife face range from trying to find somewhere to clean themselves when there are few public bathrooms available, to having to replace soiled clothing.
"Anyone who is a female would know … when there's an accident or anything occurs, we're very self-conscious and very aware of the fact," she said.
"This is truly a dignity issue for women."
The Yellowknife Co-op has partnered with the council for the donation drive. It has installed bins to collect donations and donated the first $500 of product to the Yellowknife day shelter.
Donations are being accepted at the Yellowknife Co-op and the N.W.T. Disabilities Council office until July 27.
McKee said she hopes to hold more drives like this in the future.
- A previous version of this story said donations were being accepted until June 27. In fact, it is July 27.Jul 06, 2018 4:42 PM EDT