Meet Whitehorse's little book exchange
A little box and a simple idea: Sharing is fun.
Take a book, leave a book. It's a secret stash for lovers of letters.

It’s not a mailbox and it’s not a birdhouse.
But it might be the fun of a library and a treasure hunt rolled into one.
A tiny book exchange in Whitehorse has the potential to grow into a bigger one throughout the Yukon.
The Little Free Library is presently a kiosk on a lawn in Whitehorse.
It holds books which are free for the taking and also accepts drop-offs.
Colleen Segriff is the outreach manager for the The Yukon Literacy Council. She says the group might have funding available for other communities.
Segriff says she has lined up Challenge Vocational Training if other communities can't construct their own.
The existing model is on a front lawn in Riverdale.
Think of it as a secret drop-off point; something out of a spy novel.