New president to head Inuit Circumpolar Council Canada
Former Nunavut MP Nancy Karetak-Lindell appointed by board

The board of the Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC) Canada appointed a new president on Friday.
According to a press release, former Nunavut MP Nancy Karetak-Lindell said she is honoured to have been given the confidence of the Inuit leaders who represent the four Inuit land claims organizations in Canada.
As ICC Canada president, Karetak-Lindell also becomes the ICC Vice Chair for Canada on the (international) Inuit Circumpolar Council.
Karetak-Lindell is the former director of the Jane Glassco Northern Fellowship with the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation — a policy and leadership development program aimed at youth who want to build a strong North.
She's taking on the role after Duane Smith. He resigned in January after becoming chair and CEO of the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation.
Her term is until July 2018, just prior to the next quadrennial ICC General Assembly to be held in Barrow, Alaska and hosted by ICC Alaska.