Two Indigenous officers honoured for work on Val d'Or abuse investigation
'It's a big issue and I think it's important to talk about and get justice done'

Two Indigenous police officers from Northern Quebec are being honoured for their work investigating allegations that Sûreté du Québec officers routinely abused Indigenous women.
Derek St-Cyr of Mistissini and Mylène Trudeau of Odanak each received an award from the Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador (AFNQL) at a ceremony Thursday morning.
The two officers joined the team of Montreal police investigators in December, 2015 following a meeting between the AFNQL and Quebec government.
"It's a big issue and I think it's important to talk about and get justice done," said St-Cyr after the ceremony.

The allegations came to light after several Indigenous women in Val d'Or shared their stories with the Radio-Canada TV program Enquête in October 2015.
While St-Cyr finished his work with the Montreal police in April 2016, the investigation is ongoing.
St-Cyr said the whole experience was "very demanding," but rewarding as well.
"I ended up working with a great team of investigators... and I've learned a lot from them."
St-Cyr said the opportunity has made him a better officer in his job with the Eeyou Eenou Police Force in Mistissini, but added that his experience of growing up in Senneterre, near Val d'Or brought a lot to the investigation.
"I know about the reality, so for me it was very good to be part of the investigation."