
Igloolik on boil water advisory

The government of Nunavut's Department of Health has issued a boil water advisory for the community of Igloolik.

Nunavut health officials say residents should boil water for a full minute before using

a close up of a water faucet with water coming out.
The Department of Health has issued a boil water advisory for Igloolik. (CBC)

Nunavut's Department of Health has issued a boil water advisory for Igloolik.

The precautionary measure is due to cloudy water, according to the advisory.

All water that is consumed must be brought to a rolling boil for a full minute. This includes: drinking water, infant formulas, juices, ice cubes, water for washing fruits and vegetables, and water for cooking and brushing one's teeth.

Water should be boiled in a pot or kettle unless the kettle has an automatic shut off, according to the advisory.

The Department of Health did not say when the advisory will be lifted.