Hail, thunder, flooding and videos! Yukon gets hit by unusual summer storm
Carcross saw 20 mms of rain fall in short period of time, says Environment Canada meteorologist

An unusual storm wreaked havoc on southern Yukon last night, bringing with it thunderstorms, hail and flooding.

"That was a pretty significant thunderstorm that went through much of the southern Yukon and obviously it struck Whitehorse quite hard," said Trevor Smith, a meteorologist with Environment Canada.
Social media was flooded with images and videos of the rain and hail.
Smith said Carcross saw the most rain, with about 20 millimetres falling in a very short period of time.

"So that's what led to the flooding," he said.
Winds gusted to about 70 km/h in some areas, along with thunder and lightning, which Smith said isn't all that common in the populated areas of Whitehorse.
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"It was a very moist and warm easterly flow of air. So somewhat unusual for July, so that probably lead to the intensity of the storms," Smith said.
"It was definitely a good storm that went through the area last night."