
Drunk driving charges laid in 1st half-hour of holiday checkstops

Within 30 minutes of setting up their first holiday checkstop on Friday, Whitehorse police officers laid drunk driving-related charges.

Within 30 minutes of setting up their first holiday checkstop on Friday, Whitehorse police officers laid two drunk driving-related charges.

"Within the first 30 minutes we had one gentleman refuse a roadside screening device and another female was charged with impaired driving and a 24-hour driving suspension," said Cpl. Shawn Pollard, director of Traffic Services at M Division.​

Over the rest of the checkstops in Whitehorse on Saturday and Sunday by Traffic Services and Whitehorse auxiliary officers, two more people were charged with impaired driving. Police say one of those drivers had a blood alcohol level almost three times the legal limit.

Two other people were issued 24-hour licence suspensions.

Yukon RCMP say commanding officer Peter Clark will be working at the checkstops this Friday, to mark National Impaired Driving Enforcement Day.


  • A previous version of this story contained a photo of a vehicle pulled over at a distracted driving checkstop. The picture may have left the impression that the vehicle was involved in a drunk driving stop, so it has been removed.
    Apr 01, 2015 8:35 PM EDT