Katherine Barton
Katherine Barton was the digital senior producer for CBC North, based in Yellowknife. She has a Bachelor of Journalism and a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Criminology.
Latest from Katherine Barton

This Inuk woman has never met anyone with the same name: Qitupana
CBC North is doing a series on the history and significance of Inuit names. Millie Qitupana Kuliktana calls herself a "lonely character" because she's never met anyone else with the name "Qitupana."
Canada -North |

This man was named after an 'outstanding' Inuvialuit leader
CBC North is doing a series on the history and significance of Inuit names. Albert Elias's grandparents named him after a revered leader in Tuktoyaktuk, who was known as a hunter and provider.
Canada -North |

This Inuvialuit woman was 'gifted' her aunt's name: Mimirlina
CBC North is doing a series on the history and significance of Inuit names. Shirley Elias was named after her aunt, who was named after her great-grandmother's friend, Mimirlina — a man who was a talented sewer and had 'kindest soul.'
Canada -North |

What's in a name? How a government project forced surnames on Inuit
Project Surname, a government program put in place to rid Inuit of identification numbers, forced them to choose family names, which were not common in their culture. "Project Surname was the end of Inuit culture in terms of naming our children," says Peter Irniq, former commissioner of Nunavut.
Canada -North |

How Inuit honour the tradition of naming, and spirits who have passed on
Many Inuit believe spirits are passed on through names, and that children can take on the personality and physical traits of their namesakes. Naming is a significant tradition, that holds great honour and respect.
Canada -North |
N.W.T. Minister Katrina Nokleby stripped of cabinet portfolios
N.W.T. Premier Caroline Cochrane says she no longer has confidence in Katrina Nokleby. She said "it was imperative to take action" and remove Nokleby from cabinet.
Canada -North |

Health records found at Fort Simpson dump may have been stolen: report
The Northwest Territories’ privacy commissioner’s investigation into medical records allegedly recovered at the Fort Simpson landfill in 2018 point to someone stealing the files from a health and social services building in the community.
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Why this 'language geek' provides hundreds of Indigenous language tools for free
Chris Harvey is the man behind languagegeek.com, a site that provides keyboards and fonts in more than 100 Indigenous languages. He's made it his passion to provide Indigenous people with access to minority languages, calling it a human rights issue.
Canada -North |
What are the northern lights?
Most people know that the aurora borealis are a scientific phenomenon happening in space, but do you really know what causes them?
Canada -North |

Keepers of the Language: Gwich'in host's 'sole mission' is to preserve language
CBC host William Firth was only a teenager when his grandmother told him that he would never have a wife or family — that wasn’t his path. CBC is profiling language keepers to acknowledge the UN International Year of Indigenous Languages.
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