John Last
John Last is a freelance reporter and producer currently based in Padua, Italy. He previously reported from Yellowknife, covering Northern Canada and the Arctic. His reporting work has taken him through Europe, the Middle East and the American South.
Latest from John Last
With its U.S. alliance under pressure, could Canada join the EU?
Relations between Canada and the U.S. are coming under serious pressure — and that has some commentators offering an unlikely — though not impossible — solution. What if Canada joined the European Union?
World |

Donald Trump has reopened his bid to seize Greenland. Here's why it's not an empty threat
Greenland’s push for independence is gaining momentum — and Trump is happy to use that to his advantage.
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Why Christmas trees in Europe are so much cheaper than in Canada
In Europe, Christmas tree prices have been falling for the better part of the last decade — in stark contrast to Canada. Why?

Night train renaissance: For a greener trip, Europe's rolling back to the past
In a time of growing climate anxiety, some operators are beginning to see great potential in the idea of night trains — and resurrecting a mode of travel that, less than a decade ago, seemed destined for the history books.
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Could EU elections save Canada's troubled trade agreement with Europe?
CETA was supposed to be an easy win for Canada and the European Union alike. But after becoming a political football, questions loom about whether next week’s elections will save it — or kill it for good.
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Norway's court rules against Indigenous control over northern territory
In a narrow 6-5 decision, Norway’s Supreme Court ruled Friday that the largely Indigenous community of Karasjok does not have collective property rights over a vast area in the country’s northernmost region.
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An Indigenous land claim with parallels to Canada could redraw Norway's map
A case before Norway's Supreme Court could see an area in the north of the country transferred to local, Indigenous control and would be the first time such a land claim succeeded in Europe. If it fails, the process the Indigenous Sámi helped establish could be called into question.
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Why Italy's far-right leader Giorgia Meloni is sure to get a warm reception in Canada
Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has successfully played the moderate on the international stage — while appeasing her far-right base at home.
World |

This Arctic village wants to be Santa's summer home
Millions of Canadian children learn every year that Santa lives at the North Pole. But ask the Finns, and they'll say it's all a lie.
OPINION | Could the N.W.T.'s next emergency be its lack of leadership?
By now, the territory’s residents must be among the world’s most resilient people. But their government is another story.
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