Beth Brown
Beth Brown is a reporter with CBC Iqaluit. She has worked for several northern publications including Up Here magazine, Nunatsiaq News and Nunavut News North. She is a journalism graduate of Carleton University and the University of King's College. Contact her at beth.brown@cbc.ca
Latest from Beth Brown

Pat's story: CBC Nunavut station manager retires after 33 years
In Iqaluit, a blizzard is news. So in the '80s when the roads were too snowy to drive, CBC North station manager Patrick Nagle would often pick up staff on his Yamaha Bravo snowmobile.
Canada -North |

Nunavut government works on new model for sharing tuberculosis information
Nunavut’s health department says it’s working on a new model for sharing information about tuberculosis cases across the territory. It will do this by providing breakdowns for the age and gender of patients, director of policy and planning for the Department of Health told MLAs on Tuesday.
Canada -North |

Nunavut privacy commissioner calls for access to information response team
Nunavut’s privacy commissioner, Graham Steele, says the public service needs a central team of staff to process access to information requests.
Canada -North |

Legislative hearing starts for privacy commissioner reports
Government accountability to privacy and information access is under review today at Nunavut’s Legislative Assembly.
Canada -North |
Crown seeks to retry Iqaluit man who claimed self-defence in 2017 chokehold death
Crown prosecutors are calling for the retrial of Iqaluit man Daniel Hodgson, following his acquittal in May 2021 on second-degree murder charges.
Canada -North |

Garbage in the water: How old landfills are harming Inuit communities' marine food chains
The landfill in Rankin Inlet, Nunavut, is overfull, but the hamlet can’t open a new landfill until it can pay to decommission the old one, says hamlet Mayor Harry Towtongie. A new environmental report says bad dumps are a problem in all of Canada's Inuit regions.
Canada -North |
Change to assisted dying law overlooks Nunavut's mental health crisis, say advocates
Nunavut wellness advocates say Canada’s changes to the medically assisted death program will impact Inuit, and Inuit voices need to be considered before amendments to Bill C-7 come into effect.
Canada -North |

Nunavut gets last doses needed to vaccinate 75% of adults
Nunavut now has enough doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to inoculate its promised 75 per cent of the adult population, according to territorial Health officials.
Canada -North |

The bears are back: Nunavut sorts through 235 repatriated polar bear hides
This week, Nunavut's Environment Department is sorting through 235 repatriated polar bear hides that wouldn’t sell at auction in Ontario.
Canada -North |
Limitless liquor orders a recipe for bootlegging, MLA says
Iqaluit-Manirajak's MLA says frequent large orders from the territory's own liquor warehouses are red flags for bootlegging.
Canada -North |