Thousands of Yukoners take up Air North's free $50 credit offer
Company president Joe Sparling says he expected a bigger uptake after offering a $50 credit to each and every Yukon resident who claimed it.
Joe Sparling says more publicity may be needed in future promotions

About 6,000 Yukoners have followed up on an offer of a free, $50 airline voucher, according to Air North president Joe Sparling.
Air North announced the promotion in April, offering the $50 voucher to each and every Yukoner who claimed it — by phone or online — during the first two weeks in May.
Even though he thought the uptake might be higher, Sparling said the company's goal of rewarding its customer base was a success.

In future, similar promotions, Sparling said, the company may work harder to get the word out to more people.
About 37,500 people live in Yukon.