Brian Callahan
Brian Callahan is a writer, journalist, musician and multi-tasking father. He was born and raised and is still living in St. John's.
Latest from Brian Callahan
Good reasons to pull the plug on technology overload
New research shows that people's mental health improves when they take themselves off social media. Brian Callahan wonders what took them so long.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Ship safety systems still voluntary, despite TSB pleas
A federal initiative to improve safety on fishing vessels remains voluntary, despite being repeatedly flagged by the Transportation Safety Board.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |

Many ships, few occupational health and safety inspections
The fishing industry may have injury rates almost double the provincial average, but CBC Investigates has found that on-board provincial occupational health and safety inspections are few and far between.
Canada -Nfld. & Labrador |