Sussex, Sussex Corner consider amalgamating
Steering committee is preparing a final report and a plebicite could be held in November

Sussex and Sussex Corner are the latest New Brunswick municipalities to consider amalgamating and could see a proposal put to a vote this fall.
The two communities held a public meeting on Wednesday night so residents could have their questions about the potential municipal merger answered.
Sussex Corner Mayor Steven Gillies, who ran for office on a platform of amalgamation, said he has concerns about the proposal.
"My biggest thing is the tax rate. It does jump up quite a bit," he said.
Sussex Mayor Marc Thorne said people in the village would get better services in exchange for those higher taxes.
"They have very limited resources compared to the town," he said.
"So if we look at what we could do in terms of employment or opportunities here. We will now have very powerful infrastructure to develop the area and bring business here."
Many of the 75 people in Wednesday night's open house also expressed interest in joining the two communities.
Rosemary Morhead has lived in both Sussex and Sussex Corner. She said a merger makes sense.
"We're all people together and we're in a poor tiny province of New Brunswick And we need to pull together," she said.
A steering committee made up of citizens is now creating a report that will examine the implications of amalgamation.
The report should be completed in about three weeks. Once the document is finished, the town and village councils would vote on whether to move forward.
If the councils approve the report, a plebiscite could be called for Nov. 9.
There have been a series of plebiscites in recent years of communities looking to merge, including those in the Sussex area.
In 2013, local service districts in Cardwell, Hammond, Studholm and Sussex Parish voted decisively against forming a rural community.