Saint John 'concerned' about potential provincial cuts
Mel Norton says the province should not cut funds to municipalities

Saint John is calling on the provincial government to avoid any reductions in provincial transfers to municipalities.
Saint John councillors released a position paper on local governance reform on Monday night, which it also sent to the provincial government.
Saint John Mayor Mel Norton said the report asks that cities be given proper financial transfers from the provincial government to pay for necessary services.
"While we support the province in this process, we are concerned and we hope that this process doesn't result in a reduction of provincial support to municipalities … and we think, certainly, of the unconditional grant funding," Norton said.
Among other items, the document asks the provincial government for a more complete explanation of what aspects of local governance are under study currently.
The document also asks the provincial government to consider giving the city the power to make some changes to its bylaws without having to lobby the provincial legislature.
Local Government Minister Bruce Fitch released a plan last December that calls for fewer municipal bodies.
He said the existing structure of 101 municipalities, four rural communities and 266 local services districts is no longer sustainable.
Several communities have recently expressed an interest in merging with neighbouring municipalities.
Saint John’s discussion document also says it wants larger communities to be given more votes on the 12 new regional service commissions.
The regional service commissions will be created by January 2013. The commissions will have oversight for:
- Regional planning
- Local planning in local service districts Solid waste management
- Regional policing collaboration
- Regional emergency measures planning
- Regional sport, recreational and cultural planning
The board that will oversee the commissions will be made up of members from municipalities, rural communities and local service districts.