RCMP police dog puppy-naming contest chooses Jake for J Division
Dylan Boudreau from Le Goulet chosen as New Brunswick winner for submitting winning name in contest

Jake is the winning entry from New Brunswick — or J Division — in the RCMP's name the puppy contest.
Dylan Boudreau of Le Goulet was New Brunswick's winner in the contest to name 13 puppies born at the RCMP police dog service training centre. Almost 16,000 entries were received.
"The training centre staff had a great time sorting through all the entries, " said Insp. Akrum Ghadban, the officer in charge of the centre in Innisfail, Alta.
All names had to start with the letter J. For multiple entries of the same name, winners were selected at random.
The 13 winners receive a certificate, a photograph of the puppy they named, a plush German shepherd toy dog named Justice and an RCMP cap.
The other winning names for the puppies were Jango, Jolt, Jade, Jorgia, Jude, Jix, Jett, Jax, Juno, Java, Jinx, and Jazz.
RCMP service dogs search for missing or lost people, track and apprehend suspects, search for drugs, detect explosives and search for and recover evidence used in crimes.
The RCMP says 93 per cent of the German shepherd's working as RCMP service dogs were born at the national training centre as part of the RCMP police dog breeding program.