New patient registry launched
Government looking for ways to provide care while patients wait for a GP, health minister says

The Alward government has launched a new provincially-managed patient registry for New Brunswickers who do not have a family doctor.
The new bilingual registry, Patient Connect NB, will help match doctorless patients with family doctors who are able to accept them into their practice, said Health Minister Ted Flemming.
Registered patients will be assigned to a doctor on a first-come, first-served basis, according to the Department of Health's website.
Meanwhile, the provincial government is exploring ways to provide patients with acute medical conditions access to a physician while they wait for a family doctor, Flemming said.
The new registry, being managed by Tele-Care 811, is replacing all existing no-physician lists in the province.
But patients who were on those previous lists do not need to re-register and will maintain their priority, said Flemming.
Any new patients who want to be added to the list can register online on the department's website or by calling Tele-Care 811, he said.
The government previously committed to establishing a new patient registry in A Primary Health Care Framework for New Brunswick.