N.B. COVID-19 roundup: 1 new death, 98 cases reported on Monday
Total active case count is 1,037

New Brunswick reported 98 new COVID-19 cases and one new death on Monday.
Public Health confirmed that a person 70 to 79 from the Saint John region has died.
The total active case count is 1,037 and the numbers of deaths due to COVID-19 is 75.
As of Monday, 90.7 per cent of eligible New Brunswickers have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and 81.5 per cent are fully vaccinated.
There are 56 people hospitalized due to the coronavirus, 20 of whom are in intensive care. One person under the age of 19 is hospitalized.
Of those in hospital, 44 are unvaccinated, three are partially vaccinated and nine are fully vaccinated.
Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Jennifer Russell said that as more people get vaccinated, the proportion of breakthrough cases is expected to increase.
Impact of circuit-breaker too early to tell: Russell
New Brunswickers were instructed to refrain from holding gatherings this Thanksgiving weekend as part of a set of "circuit-breaker" restrictions. Russell said that she has not heard from the Public Safety Department about whether the rules were abided by this weekend. She said it's too early to judge whether the restrictions were effective.
"Time will tell if we're really turning the corner," said Russell.
On Sunday, peace officers were on scene at the His Tabernacle Family Church in Saint John after the church was ticketed last week for violating the province's emergency order. Parishioners were seen on Sunday entering and exiting the church without masks or physically distancing.
Russell said the province is taking an "educative and supporting approach" when it comes to the implementation of new measures.
"Then it escalates to more severe consequences in terms of fines," said Russell.
Provincewide Thanksgiving holiday restrictions will end Monday at 11:59 p.m. They will last for at least 14 days in Zone 1, as far north as and including Sainte-Anne-de-Kent and including Havelock in Zone 2, the northern portion of Zone 3 from and including Deerville and Florenceville-Bristol, all of Zone 4 (Edmundston region) and Menneval in Zone 5.
In regions under the restrictions, gatherings in private homes or outside with members not from the same household are prohibited, and travel to or from regions is restricted except for essential reasons, which includes work, school and health appointments.
Breakdown of new cases
Here is the breakdown of the new cases:
Moncton region, Zone 1, 24 cases
· Nine people 19 and under.
· Three people 30-39.
· A person 40-49.
· Two people 50-59.
· A person 60-69.
· Six people 80-89.
· Two people 90 and over.
Nineteen cases are under investigation and five are contacts of previously confirmed cases.
Saint John region, Zone 2, 8 cases
· Three people 19 and under.
· Two people 20-29.
· Two people 40-49.
· A person 50-59.
Seven cases are contacts of previously confirmed cases and the other case is under investigation.
Fredericton region, Zone 3, 24 cases
· Eight people 19 and under.
· Two people 20-29.
· Two people 30-39.
· A person 40-49.
· Four people 50-59.
· Two people 60-69.
· A person 70-79.
· Three people 80-89.
· A person 90 and over.
Nineteen cases are under investigation and five are contacts of previously confirmed cases.
Edmundston region, Zone 4, 23 cases
· Two people 19 and under.
· Eight people 20-29.
· Three people 30-39.
· Three people 40-49.
· Two people 50-59.
· Three people 60-69.
· Two people 70-79.
Thirteen cases are under investigation and 10 are contacts of previously confirmed cases.
Campbellton Region, Zone 5, 12 cases
· A person 20-29.
· A person 30-39.
· A person 40-49.
· Five people 50-59.
· Two people 60-69.
· A person 70-79.
· A person 80-89.
Ten cases are contacts of previously confirmed cases and two cases are under investigation.
Bathurst region, Zone 6, 4 cases
· A person 19 and under.
· Two people 30-39.
· A person 50-59.
Three cases are contacts of previously confirmed cases and the other case is under investigation.
Miramichi region, Zone 7, 3 cases
· A person 19 and under.
· A person 40-49.
· A person 50-59.
Two cases are under investigation and the other case is a contact of a previously confirmed case.
New public exposure notices
The following are new public exposures released by Public Health on Monday:
Fredericton region, Zone 3
Oct. 3 between 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. – Kingswood Golf Club (1700 Kingswood Way, Hanwell)
Sept. 28 between 9:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. –– Kingswood Golf Club (1700 Kingswood Way, Hanwell)
Sept. 14 to Oct. 7 – Tobique Valley Senior's Complex (4 Manor Dr., Plaster Rock)
Edmundston region, Zone 4
Oct. 6-7 between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. – Subway (360 Canada St., Saint Quentin)
Oct. 3 between 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. – Subway (360 Canada St., Saint Quentin)
Sept. 29 between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. – Subway (360 Canada St., Saint Quentin)
Sept. 28 between 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. – Subway (360 Canada St., Saint Quentin)
Campbellton region, Zone 5
Oct. 6-8 – Clinique Vétérinaire Lépine (148 Notre Dame St., Atholville)
Oct. 4 between 11:40 a.m. and 12:55 p.m. – Bonnie's Tabata Fitness (1 Union St., Campbellton)
Public Health recommends that people who have been at a possible public exposure site and are not fully vaccinated get a COVID test, even if they don't have symptoms. They can book an appointment online or call Tele-Care 811.
If they do have symptoms, they must isolate while they await their results.
For people who are fully vaccinated, Public Health recommends they monitor for symptoms for 14 days after the possible exposure and get a COVID test if symptoms develop.
Anyone who frequented the locations at the specified dates and times should also avoid visiting settings with vulnerable populations such as nursing homes, correctional facilities and shelters for the next 14 days.
Previous exposure notices
The following are exposure notices from the past two few weeks. For the full list beyond this time period, please visit the Government of New Brunswick's website.
Moncton region, Zone 1
- Oct. 5 between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m.- Five Bridges Bar & Grill (121 Pine Glen Rd., Riverview)
- Oct. 4 between 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. – Dr. Léon Richard Oncology Centre (37 Providence St. Moncton)
- Oct. 4-6 between 2:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. – Club Boishebert de Shediac (322 Main St., Shediac)
- Oct. 3 between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. – YMCA (70 Twin Oaks Dr., Moncton)
- Between Oct. 2 and 3 between noon and 10 a.m. – Beauséjour Camping (747 Lino Rd., Shediac)
- Oct. 2 and 3 between noon and 10 a.m. – Beauséjour Camping (747 Lino Rd., Shediac)
- Oct. 2 between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m.– The Brick – (75 Trinity Dr., Moncton)
- Oct. 2 between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. – Costco (140 Granite Dr., Moncton)
- Oct. 2 between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. – Under Armour Factory House (78 Wyse St., Moncton)
- Oct. 2 between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. – Tire Shack Brewing (190 John St., Moncton)
- Oct. 2 between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. – Fox Creek Golf, Golf Course (200 Golf St., Dieppe)
- Oct. 2 between 11 a.m. and noon – Pür & Simple (477 Paul St., Dieppe)
- Oct. 2 between 1:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. –