Moncton's downtown centre plaza to cost more than double original estimate
Council approves $4.3M for plaza, city staff says project still within budget
At a special council meeting on Monday, Moncton city council approved $4.3 million be spent on the plaza in front of the still-under construction downtown centre.
A year ago, Jacques Dubé, the former city manger, estimated the plaza would cost "about $2 million."
While the approved amount is more than double that, city staff say $4.3 million won't put the total cost of the project above budgeted $104 million.
Isabelle LeBlanc, a spokesperson for the city, said more the accurate number is the larger $4.3 million because the previous estimate wasn't based on itemized costs.
"Now we know," she said.

Coun. Bryan Butler asked city staff what kind of effect the price tag is going to have on citizens.
"It's such a beautiful building, I don't want it looking cheap, but people should realize it could cost us in the tax rate," he said.
Gregg Houser, deputy treasurer, replied that there are three options for the city to consider.
"We've got reserves, debt and potentially the tax rate but that's obviously not the direction we want to go," Houser said.

"My understanding of this is still in the realm of the contingency allowance that we have for this project, so this technically, at this point is not over budget," said Arnold.
To which Houser replied, "No, it's not over budget."
The downtown centre is scheduled to open in September 2018. Bird Construction will work on the plaza at the same time as it is finishing the centre.
Catherine Dallaire, the general manager of parks and leisure, culture and heritage, said the plaza should be done by the same date.