New Brunswick

Moncton doctors cycle to raise money for oncology unit

Several doctors from the Moncton Hospital will be wearing bike shorts and helmets instead of white coats this week as they raise money for the hospital's oncology unit.

Money will be used to improve oncology clinical trials program

Several doctors from the Moncton Hospital will be wearing bike shorts and helmets instead of white coats this week as they raise money for the hospital's oncology unit.

The doctors will cycle more than 500 kilometres over five days, stopping in Sussex, Fredericton, Miramichi and Richibucto before returning to Moncton on June 19.

The event is the brainchild of oncologist Dr. Mohammed Harb and has already raised $23,000 with a goal of $25,000.

"It's the least we can do for our patients who suffer through cancer," said Dr. Paul Goobie, a Moncton surgeon.

Goobie cycles regularly, but says some of the other doctors had to do a lot of training to get ready.

"Our strategy is to stick together and enjoy the ride. We have to make sure everyone arrives safe," said Goobie. 

"So our strategy is to have fun to get the ride done to get all the kilometres in really that's what we want to do," he said.

Goobie says this kind of fundraising is becoming more necessary.

"Governments are strapped for money. The health system costs a lot of money and this is a way that patients and people in the community can give back and feel good about their donations," he said.

"We can get some cycling in and support our patients, and I think it's a good community effort. I think we're going to have to see more and more of that as we go along."

The money raised will be used to improve the oncology clinical trials program through the purchase of medical and telecommunications technology.