4 new COVID-19 deaths reported in N.B. in first 2 weeks of September
15 outbreaks at Horizon, Vitalité facilities as of Saturday

The latest report from the New Brunswick government shows four COVID-19 deaths for the period of Sept. 3 to Sept. 16.
All four of those deaths were in the week of Sept. 3-9, according to the latest Public Health report.
The number of COVID deaths that week is up from zero the week before.
The definition of a COVID death was recently changed and is now defined as person with a confirmed case "who was admitted to hospital and whose death occurred during their stay."

From Sept. 3 to Sept. 9, there were 40 COVID-19 hospitalizations with two ICU admissions, and from Sept. 10 to Sept. 16, there were 51 hospitalizations and three ICU admissions.
From Sept. 3 to Sept. 16, there were 187 confirmed COVID-19 cases reported, according to the province's report.
Twenty-five lab-confirmed COVID-19 outbreaks were also declared during the reporting period. A Department of Health spokesperson said these outbreaks include nursing homes and "other facilities," which could include adult residential homes and correctional centres.
The report is called Respiratory Watch and is the newest announced way for the province to report on COVID-19. It also includes information about influenza.
Each report will track the cumulative statistics from the start of the respiratory season, which was Aug, 27.
Health network reports
On Sept. 23, Horizon Health Network's report shows 54 active admissions, which include all patients at Horizon on isolation precautions because of a COVID-19 infection and two active ICU cases.
Vitalité's report, also showing data from Sept. 23, shows 26 hospitalized COVID-19 patients, three of whom are in intensive care.
Vitalité numbers for COVID-19 hospitalizations include "inpatients being treated primarily for COVID-19 and active COVID-19 inpatients being treated primarily for other conditions."
Horizon shows 44 staff absences because of COVID-19 and Vitalité shows 36.
Both networks have outbreaks in their hospitals.
At Horizon, an outbreak means no social visitors for patients, but designated support persons may still be permitted.
At the Moncton Hospital, there are outbreaks in the following seven units:
Family practice/palliative care.
General surgery.
Family practice/stroke.
Geriatrics rehabilitation.
The family medicine and orthopedics units at the Saint John Regional Hospital also have outbreaks. Centracare has an outbreak in the sustained care and rehab unit.

At Vitalité, visits to units with outbreaks are temporarily suspended for support persons and social visitors, although some exceptions may be possible.
There are outbreaks in the following units at Vitalité health centres:
Chaleur Regional Hospital, extended care unit and surgical unit.
Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre, surgical unit.
Veterans' Health Centre, Unit 200.
Edmundston Regional Hospital, rehabilitation unit.