Terrebonne man jumps from window to escape police, BEI investigates
Police say they were negotiating with the man through his bathroom door when he jumped

A man threw himself from a second-storey bathroom window Friday to evade police and Quebec's bureau of independent investigations (BEI) is analyzing the events.
Police say they received a call about the 41-year-old man being disorderly at a home in Terrebonne, located just north of Laval.
Police say he was barricaded in his bathroom and they tried to negotiate with him through the door.
That's when they say they heard a loud noise and entered the bathroom to find the man had thrown himself from the second-storey window and landed on the concrete below.
He was transported to hospital with serious injuries but police do not fear for his life.
Ten investigators with the BEI were sent to the scene to confirm the events.
Provincial police were called in to support the investigation, as is part of their protocol.
The BEI is mandated to take over investigating all incidents in which a person is injured or killed during a police operation.