Health clinics to offer check-ups to Syrian refugees upon arrival
Refugees will have an appointment at a health clinic before getting off the plane

The former Royal Victoria Hospital will be one of twenty-five special Syrian refugee health clinics across Quebec.
Minister of Public Health Lucie Charlebois and Health Minister Gaétan Barrette were at the hospital today to speak to media about the clinics.
Refugees will visit a clinics about 72 hours after they arrive.
Thirteen refugee health clinics are situated in Montreal, dedicated to providing a check-up they land and other health care needs such as readapting, immunizations and counseling.
A doctor is also able to renew prescriptions.
The Health Minister stressed that after a check-up, Syrian refugees do not have easier access to a family doctor than other Quebecers.
There are twelve clinics outside the island.
All Syrian refugees will be given Quebec health cards once they arrive.
The province is to welcome 3,650 refugees by year's end.
The vast majority of those newcomers will stay in Montreal.