Sun Youth annual clothing giveaway draws hundreds
Free adult clothing pick-up continues tomorrow at St-Urbain Street headquarters

For many, starting a new life in a new country means starting from scratch.
It's one of the reasons Sun Youth reaches out every summer to help with some of the necessities families need.
"We are new immigrants and my husband is still studying. This organization really really helps me in my daily life," said Nadia Karam.
The organization's new adult clothing giveaway helps about 3,000 people annually. This year, demand is as high as ever.
Sun Youth's Eric Kingsley said by giving families a few items today, they can save money to spend on other supplies for children. The new clothes can also come with a bit of a morale boost.
"To have a pair of new shoes that will last a couple of years or a pair of new pants or new jeans, it's a bit of pride...They can go for a job interview or go wherever they're invited to go," he said.
The first-come, first-served clothing giveaway continues tomorrow at Sun Youth.
Eligible families can participate by going to the organization's headquarters at 4251 St-Urbain Street and showing proof of income, proof of address and identification papers for each member of their household.