STM says it refused hackers' $2.8M demand in ransomware attack
Transit agency's website is still down, adapted transit back in service

The hackers responsible for a ransomware attack on Montreal's transit agency have asked for $2.8 million, a sum the agency says it will not pay.
The Société de transport de Montréal (STM) says the attack targeted 1,000 of its 1,600 servers.
For the first time, it gave details about the outage.
It said 624 operationally sensitive servers were affected by the attack — but more than three-quarters of them are back online now. The STM's website is still down though.
In a news release Thursday evening, the agency said the attack did not affect bus or Metro service, and that employees were able to receive their pay "almost normally."
The attack did, however, stop the STM from providing adapted transit for nearly a week. That was reestablished Sunday.
The STM says it's currently working on restoring the rest of its servers.
It says its second communication with the hackers was Wednesday, when they demanded $2.8 million.