Trick-or-treat travesty? How Montreal parents reacted when Halloween was rescheduled
In Quebec the promise of rain, strong winds on Oct. 31 prompted many cities to delay Halloween

Should a tradition like kids trick-or-treating on Halloween be moved because of bad weather?
Montreal made the unprecedented decision Wednesday to bump the tradition by one night, to Nov. 1.
The announcement came as Environment Canada issued a wind warning for Montreal, Quebec City, and the communities in between. "Loose objects may be tossed by the wind and cause injury or damage," it said.
Many cities followed Montreal's lead, while some decided on a compromise — to have trick-or-treating take place on both Oct. 31 and Nov. 1.
In Montreal, dozens of trees were knocked down Thursday night as winds reached 100 kilometres per hour. By Friday morning, 67,000 homes and businesses were without power.
Some kids in the region are probably happy they didn't have to head out into last night's weather, and others are likely looking forward to double-dipping the candy bowl tonight.
Still, not everyone is thrilled by the prospect of a Halloween replay.
Here is how two Montreal parents were feeling about the city's decision.

Halloween was almost cancelled, but mom Ayla Foers persisted:
We made the choice to go trick-or-treating Halloween night so that we could celebrate just a little — and we hoped to find a couple of others who felt the same way.
As we walked through the empty, dark streets, I couldn't help but think of what a lovely evening it was.
When we went out around 6 p.m. and it was a balmy 15 degrees with a light rain — it was a great night for trick or treating!
Except, there were no houses to go to.
As I explained to my three-and-a-half year old "wolf boy," that we would have to head home, tears streamed down down his cheeks.
He couldn't understand. He was so excited about going out that he didn't even notice the rain.
Just as we were giving up and ready to go home, I saw the faint flicker of a pumpkin out of the corner of my eye.
We raced down the street and up the steps. There was a sign posted on the door: "Here we celebrate Halloween on October 31st."
Emotion hit me as we knocked. Tears stung my eyes. We would have a little Halloween after all.
In the end, we found about 10 houses, and a little gang of "rebels" out celebrating.
When we ran into other trick-or-treaters, we'd say, "There are two houses that way and one over there."
As the rain picked up, we made our way home, laughing as we jumped over puddles and trying not to spill the candy.
When the mayor announced Halloween would be moved to Nov. 1, I understand her choice came with good intentions, but I personally feel, just as we can't choose the weather, she can't choose to change Halloween.
I know it may have helped some, but in my opinion, it's a holiday celebrated on its date, like any other. Let the weather be what it is — unpredictable and totally Canadian!
Climate change makes adapting extreme weather our new reality, says dad Gregory Baizer:
As an avid CBC Radio listener, I was listening to Radio Noon and was struck by people being so
upset about Montreal and other cities — like mine, Westmount — postponing Halloween until Nov. 1.
As my children are all adults now, my thoughts go back to all the nights we went out in rain and cold weather.
But we then quickly realized they were calling for between 70 and 90 km/h winds.
That changed my whole thought process.

We need to protect our children.
The world is a changing place, and unfortunately global warming has changed the game — our weather systems have become much more extreme.
So the past cannot dictate the future, and we have to adjust so the people responsible for making these decisions need not be ridiculed, but applauded for being on the side of caution.
I hope we can just keep the spirit of fun alive in Halloween — and that everybody can chill out, and respect our leaders who side with caution.