Quebec police cracking down on speeders
Speeding is the leading cause of fatal road collisions in the province, according to the Sûreté du Québec. This week, officers will be taking particular note of those travelling faster than the posted limit.
Police handed out an average of 2,000 speeding tickets a day in 2014

Police across the province are cracking down on speeding this week.
Quebec provincial police say all municipal police forces will also be handing out tickets to people driving over the speed limit or who are breaking the law.
It's part of National Road Safety week.
The Sûreté du Québec says speeding is the leading cause of fatal road collisions in the province.
Last year, provincial police handed out 625,000 speeding tickets — about 2,000 a day.
They are asking motorists to keep their eyes on the road, stay focused and keep a safe distance from drivers in front of them.
Police are also warning people to obey speed limits in construction zones.
If drivers are caught speeding in those zones, fines are doubled.