Quebec Liberals choose Naömie Goyette for byelection in Péladeau's old riding
Couillard says Goyette more relatable to Quebec youth than PQ, CAQ

The Quebec Liberals have chosen a 29-year-old businesswoman to run in a provincial byelection in ex-Parti Québécois leader Pierre Karl Péladeau's old riding.
Naömie Goyette, who co-owns a restaurant in Saint-Adolphe-d'Howard, Que. with her partner, will try to win Saint-Jérôme in the Laurentians.
"The people of Saint-Jérôme will fall for Naömie," Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard said before a small but enthusiastic crowd Tuesday.
Couillard, promising an "extremely energetic campaign," positioned his candidate as someone young Quebecers could relate to.
"Quebec's youth no longer see themselves in the close-minded and isolating discourse [of the PQ, and] no longer see themselves in the discourse of decline and pessimism of the CAQ (Coalition Avenir Québec)," he said.
Goyette is known locally for her volunteer work with young dropouts.
Saint-Jérôme has been vacant since Péladeau's political resignation last May.
It is one of four ridings in which Premier Philippe Couillard will have to set dates for byelections.
The Liberals have 70 of the 125 seats in the National Assembly, compared with 28 for the PQ, 20 for the CAQ and three for Québec Solidaire.
With files from Radio-Canada and the Canadian Press