More students losing sleep, says Quebec survey
Hautes-Rivières school board inteviews 11,000 students about life in and out of school

A vast survey conducted by the Hautes-Rivières school board in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, in the Montérégie region, shows there is an increase in the number of students graduating from high school, though many aren’t getting enough sleep.
The researchers interviewed 11,000 primary and secondary students, as well as 4,000 parents to learn more about the lives of young people both in and out of class.
The good news: the vast majority of pupils enjoy school, with only 30 per cent of teens saying they are not motivated to attend classes.
Since 2008, the graduation rate of high school students has been increasing in the Hautes-Rivières school board, growing from 82 to 87.1 per cent.
There are also fewer students leaving the system without a diploma — 21.7 per cent today, down from 23.8 per cent in 2008.
However, 25 per cent of high school students say they rarely or never sleep at night, with 40 per cent getting less than eight hours of sleep.
For primary students, 30 per cent say they do not get enough sleep at night.
93 per cent of elementary students say they feel safe at school, even though nearly a quarter of them have witnessed bullying.
75 per cent of high school students say their school is a warm and friendly environment.
14 per cent say they have been bullied, while eight per cent admit to being bullies themselves.
Meals and Nutrition
34 per cent of high school students rarely or never eat breakfast in the morning.
In elementary school, 96 per cent say they eat meals with their families, though 28 per cent say they do not always have enough to eat at home.
30 per cent of high school students say they spend between two and five hours per day studying and doing school work outside of class.
75 per cent say they have support at home, though 42 per cent of parents say they never know if their child has homework or exams.
Jobs for teenagers
55 per cent of high school students work on weeknights, with 31 per cent clocking more than 15 hours per week.
44 per cent say they find it difficult to balance work and school.
Social media, video games and TV
Although Facebook is not supposed to be accessible to children under 13 years old, 27 per cent of primary school students say they regularly use social media.
63 per cent of high school students say they spend between one and three hours per day watching television, with six per cent watching between seven and 12 hours a day.
52 percent spend between one and three hours a day on video games and the Internet, while13.5 per cent spend between seven and 12 hours a day.
84 per cent of high school students say they do not regularly go to the library in their neighbourhood or town.
63 per cent of primary school children say their parents do not read to them.
Physical activity
76 per cent of high school students say they do not take part in physical activities or sports with their families.
43 percent of children in primary school say they would like to participate in more sports and other physical activities with their families.