Deaths of mother, 2 sons in Pointe-aux-Trembles now considered triple homicide
Dahia Khellaf, 42, and her sons, Askil, two, and Adam, four, were found dead last Wednesday in their east-end Montreal home.
Dahia Khellaf and her 2 sons, Askil, 2, and Adam, 4, found dead in their home last week

Montreal police are now treating the deaths of a Pointe-Aux-Trembles mother and her two sons as a triple homicide.
Dahia Khellaf, 42, and her sons, Askil, two, and Adam, four, were found dead last Wednesday in their east-end Montreal home.
The night before their bodies were discovered, the woman's husband, Nabil Yssaad, 46, took his own life.
Police confirmed Tuesday the two events are linked. They are exploring the possibility of a murder-suicide.
The investigation continues.
Yssaad had been charged with two counts of assault against Khellaf for separate incidents in August 2018.
He was recently acquitted and had signed a peace bond, agreeing not to contact his wife for a year.