Firefighters rescue film crew after gondolas flip on La Ronde ferris wheel
No one was injured

Firefighters rescued a film crew from a ferris wheel at La Ronde after two gondolas flipped over Wednesday evening.
No one was injured.
While filming a scene on the ferris wheel, the crew's heavy equipment caused instability on a gondola and made it shift, according to a statement from La Ronde.
One other person, also a member of the film crew, was on board but was not rescued by the firefighters.
No guests were on the ride since the area was closed to the public during the filming.
Firefighters received a call at around 7 p.m. about the flipped gondolas. They used portable ladders to rescue the people, who were about 20 feet in the air.
The operation took about 30 minutes.
"The safety of our guests and employees is our highest priority, and as a precaution the ride was closed for a full inspection and will remain closed until our maintenance and safety experts have determined the ride is safe for operation," the statement from La Ronde said.
Montreal fire department spokesperson Louise Desrosiers said the Régie du bâtiment is investigating the cause of the incident.