CBC Montreal, Quebec nab more than 2 dozen nominations for RTDNA journalism awards
Nominations include CBC Montreal website, coverage of #Flushgate and Daybreak's Exclusive with Officer 728

CBC Montreal has received a slew of award nominations for its work in 2015 from RTDNA Canada, the Association of Electronic Journalists.
The RTDNA awards recognize journalistic excellence in individual reporting, as well as for programs and stations across radio, television and digital platforms.
"At a time of unprecedented challenges to our industry, it is now more important than ever to recognize the very best in Canadian electronic and digital journalism," said Ian Koenigsfest, RTDNA Canada's president.
Digital nominations

CBC Montreal has received seven nominations for its digital reporting:
- In the category of Diversity: Tanya Tagaq calling out the Documentary, of the North,
- In the category of spot news: Cédrika Provencher's remains are found.
- For best digital media award (large market): the CBC Montreal website.

For digital continuing coverage, two CBC Montreal projects got the nod:
- Flushgate: Montreal dumps raw sewage into the St. Lawrence River.
- The MUHC: Montreal's new English superhospital opens at last.

For multiplatform in-depth coverage, two CBC Montreal projects made the short list:
- Montreal Conservative candidate Chris Lloyd runs in Trudeau's riding as an art project.
- Quebec judge won't hear the case of woman wearing hijab.
Radio nominations

In Radio categories, CBC Montreal received six nominations:
- For long feature (large market): Daybreak's Exclusive with Officer 728 and Homerun: Kidney Friends
- For best radio news information program: Radio Noon discusses black face at Théâtre du Rideau Vert.
- For continuing coverage: Bill 20 forces Quebec families to pay for IVF.
- For editorial/commentary: The Oka standoff: Loreen Pindera looks back, 25 years after the Mohawk barricades went up.
- For sports award (large market): Andie's All-Stars: Kwawenná:wi Diabo-Alfred.

CBC Quebec City received nine nominations:
- For diversity: Tshiuetin train: a vital link to Quebec's north.
- For short feature (small/medium market): It's OK: Creating art to booster self-esteem and Late start to the lobster season.
- For long feature (small/medium market): The NAHL "Goon" league cleans up its act and The Reverend Katherine Burgess.
- For best radio news information program: Jacques Parizeau (1930-2015).
- For continuing coverage: Fallout from accusations in Val d'Or.
- For editorial/commentary: Ross Murray: Hot button election issues, and Ross Murray: Preaching Green.

Television nominations

In television, Quebec voters defy traditional political spectrum was nominated for short feature.
For live events, Live from the New McGill University Health Centre received a nomination, and Love Locks nabbed one for most creative use of video.