CBC Do Crew clean-up at Little Burgundy Community Centre
Volunteers will give Tyndale a clean start to the new year
Are you ready to jump into the new year with the Do Crew?
This month, volunteers will join me at the Tyndale St Georges Community Centre in Little Burgundy. The community centre has been working with people in the neighbourhood for the last 87 years! Staff and volunteers at the centre offer services that range from early childhood education to after-school programs and training for adults in the community.
Every weekday dozens of kids wrap up their school day, step off the school bus and into Tyndale. There they get a snack and some help with their homework.
The Do Crew will help out by giving the kitchen and the community room a good scrubbing so the staff and volunteers at Tyndale can use their time to work directly with the kids.
If you're interested in volunteering for this clean-up crew, here is what you need to know:
WHO:A team of six volunteers will carry out the clean sweep
WHAT:Cleaning the kitchen and community room
WHEN:Monday January 26th 10-1:30 pm
WHERE:Tyndale St George Community Centre, 870 Richmond Place, Little Burgundy
To volunteer or to find out more, simply email Monique at monique.lacombe@cbc.ca or call 514-597-4479.
If you know of a group that could use some hands-on help from the Do Crew team of volunteers, get in touch with Monique today!
Tyndale St Georges Community Centre