Sabrina Marandola
Sabrina Marandola is the host of Let's Go, CBC Montreal's afternoon radio show. Follow her on Twitter at @SMarandola and Instagram @sabrina.marandola.
Latest from Sabrina Marandola

Do your rapid COVID-19 tests still work after they've expired?
The number of COVID-19 cases is going up again in Quebec. But if you feel like you're coming down with something, should you trust the results of an old testing kit you found in your medicine cabinet? Benoit Barbeau, a virologist and professor at UQAM’s department of biological sciences, weighs in.
Canada -Montreal |

Canadian Immigration Minister Marc Miller talks Gaza, Quebec's immigration powers
It's Citizenship Week across Canada, and to mark the occasion, Canada's Immigration Minister Marc Miller is in town. He speaks to Let's Go host Sabrina Marandola about application backlogs, getting loved ones out of Gaza and the public spat over Quebec wanting more immigration powers.
Canada -Montreal |

How will Montreal's new flood preparedness plan help Lachine?
It's the rainy, spring season, and the city is taking note. Montreal has a new plan to prepare for more rain, and potentially more floods. Let's Go host Sabrina Marandola speaks with Lachine Mayor Maja Vodanovic to find out what this means for your home.
Canada -Montreal |
Where are the compost bins at public markets?
Let's Go host Sabrina Marandola speaks to one group that says it's incomprehensible that there aren't any compost bins to be found at public markets. Nicolas Fabien-Ouellet, general director of Montreal Public Markets, says change is coming.
Canada -Montreal |

Quebec's 1st provincial contact football league for girls kicks off
This weekend marks the inaugural season for the Quebec Women's Minor Football League. The players are between 15 to 17 years old and are from Laval, Montreal, the South and North Shores and Gatineau. Let's Go host Sabrina Marandola speaks with player Julia Guitard, 16, and her mother Karine Tougas, the league's president.
Canada -Montreal |

How to have those difficult conversations with aging parents
Let's Go host Sabrina Marandola speaks with Laura Tamblyn Watts, author and head of a Canadian seniors' advocacy organization, about her new book Let's Talk About Aging Parents and some conversations she thinks are important as a growing segment of the population ages.
Canada -Montreal |

West Island teen summit brings together students ready to take action on school issues
Students from various high schools under the Lester B. Pearson School Board are coming together to talk about the issues that matter to them at the Teen Leadership Summit. Students Fiona Govers and Leah Al-Shourbaji are co-chairs of the Central Student Committee behind the event.
Canada -Montreal |

This Annishinaabe artist is revitalizing the art of birch bark biting
Fold, bite, repeat. Let's Go host Sabrina Marandola speaks with Craig Commanda, a multidisciplinary Annishinaabe artist based in Montreal, who is revitalizing the ancestral art practice of birch bark biting.
Canada -Montreal |

How barefoot training and natural shoes could restore foot health
Gregory Stern is physiotherapist of From the Ground Up Physiotherapy. He’s also the creator of a mobility and strength program that gets to the root cause of pain.
Canada -Montreal |

Tips on how to make your fruits and vegetables last longer
Have you bought a pack of strawberries, but three or four days later, they turned bad? Not ideal when you’re trying to save money and enjoy the fruits of your labour. Let's Go host Sabrina Marandola speaks with Dan Brisebois, who manages Tourne-Sol, a co-operative farm just west of Montreal.
Canada -Montreal |