Peter Mansbridge signs off from The National: How to watch
Highlights include an extensive video tribute, Facebook Q&A and Canada 150 celebrations

Peter Mansbridge's last week as chief correspondent of The National has been eventful, full of recognition from colleagues at CBC headquarters.
CBC viewers will also be treated to some special programming for the occasion.
On Thursday night's edition of The National — which airs on CBC News Network at 9 p.m. ET/PT and CBC-TV at 10 p.m. local time — Mansbridge's legacy and career highlights will be the subject of a comprehensive video segment, with Carole McNeil hosting.
You can also watch The National live online, as well as on Facebook and YouTube.
Then, after 29 years at the helm, Mansbridge will be back Friday night to host his final edition of The National from Ottawa. During commercial breaks, he plans on taking audience questions via the show's Facebook live stream.
The host of Mansbridge One on One will also have the tables turned, sitting in the interviewee seat as he reflects on his personal journey and career highlights from his half-century with the CBC. This interview, conducted by Heather Hiscox, will first appear in excerpts Friday morning on and on CBC News Network beginning at 6 a.m. ET.
The full interview will air on CBC News Network on Saturday, July 1 at 6:30 p.m. ET and 9:30 p.m. ET, and again on Sunday, July 2 at 5:30 p.m. ET.
While Mansbridge plans to contribute to CBC in the future on yet-to-be-announced projects, he will deliver his final sign-off as CBC's chief correspondent after anchoring the network's Canada Day television coverage.
CBC News Special Presentation: Canada Day 2017 will air from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. ET on most CBC platforms. Mansbridge will host from Parliament Hill in Ottawa, where the celebrations will include a visit from Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall and a special performance from Bono and The Edge from U2.
The Canada Day festivities can be watched on CBC-TV, CBC News Network,, the CBC News Facebook page and CBC News YouTube channel.
Mansbridge reflects on his career in this in-depth interview: