Winnipeg students get lessons in the 3 Rs — and pipe fitting
Some Winnipeg high school students are getting a head start on their careers thanks to a new program.
The Piping Industry Technical College of Manitoba has teamed up with Seven Oaks School Division and the Winnipeg School Division to offer technical training to prepare students for jobs after they graduate.
"It really engages the students. It gives them a chance to get into whether they want to go into the field or see if this is for them or not," said co-ordinator Steve Ducharme. "Basically, it's a good stepping stone. If they really like it, they're actually going to be landing on their feet running."

The unique program has caught the attention of schools in other provinces, Ducharme said.
"I've actually had cold calls from some other school divisions in Saskatchewan, Alberta and one out of Ontario, asking about the program. From my research, I can't find anybody else in Canada doing anything like this," he said.
"These other school divisions are just amazed by the level of partnership we've created with the school divisions, Manitoba Education, and the Piping Industry Technical College."