Winnipeg's love affair with Slurpee continues
For the ninth year in a row, a 7-Eleven in Winnipeg has sold more Slurpees, the chain's signature frozen pop drink, than any other store in the world.
"Out of the top 10 stores, in terms of Slurpee cup sales in North America, eight of those 10 are from Manitoba," 7-Eleven spokeswoman Sheila Calder told CBC News.
"So, there's definitely a strong Winnipeg presence in terms of sales of Slurpee cups, and that's why Winnipeg is the Slurpee capital of the world."
Calgary came in second, Calder said, and a store in Kennewick, Wash., is also working hard to slurp away Winnipeg's title.
"The Kennewick store is definitely helping the Oregon-Washington East market become a strong contender for the 2008 title. But they have not claimed the 2007 title. That's still Winnipeg's," Calder said.
Winnipeg Coun. Scott Fielding was presented with the Slurpee Trophy Cup at a 7-Eleven store on St. Mary's Road on Friday, as the convenience store chain celebrates its 81st anniversary.
The store, along with others across North America, is giving away 1,000 free Slurpees on Friday.
"To celebrate the birthday, 7-Eleven gives out 1,000 free Slurpees at every store," Calder said. "So that works out to almost half a million Slurpees across Canada. It's a pretty big giveaway."
7-Eleven celebrates its anniversary every year on July 11: the seventh month, eleventh day.
The Slurpee is only half as old as the store. It was invented in 1967 and named for the sound made when one drinks it through the large straw.