Winnipeg police warn of sex offender being released from jail
Winnipeg police and RCMP are advising people that a convicted sex offender with a high risk of re-offending will live in the city once he's released from jail tomorrow.
Timothy Torrens, 29, will be released from Headingley Correctional Centre on Tuesday, having completed a 16-month sentence for three counts of breaching court orders that banned him from public places where children were expected to be present.

He's been previously convicted for sexual assault against a child and numerous breaches of prohibition orders related to children, according to police.
Torrens was previously convicted for sexually assaulting an 11-year-old girl he didn't know, after he had persuaded her to get into his car, in 2007. He was also convicted in 2012 of communication for the purpose of prostitution.
Most recently, he breached his probation order on June 12, 2013, by going to a community centre playground and two public parks.
Torrens took part in some sex offender programming while he was in jail, according to police.
Torrens is expected to live in Winnipeg once he's released. He will be subject to a three-year probation order that expires on June 2, 2017.
His probation order bars him from possessing or consuming any alcohol or drugs, owning any device that would give him internet access and being alone with anyone under the age of 18 without the approval of his probation officer, among other things.
He is also banned for 10 years from going to any public park, swimming area, school ground, daycare, playground or community centre where children and youths under the age of 16 would be present.
Police are warning the public not to take any vigilante action against Torres, saying they are notifying people so they can take appropriate measures to protect themselves.