
Winnipeg couple builds new life together after addictions

Drew Hermkens and Rina Morris have rebuilt a life together after battling addictions and living on the streets of Winnipeg.
Rina Morris and Andrew Hermkens have worked together to turn their lives around. (Courtesy Rina Morris and Andrew Hermkens)

Drew Hermkens and Rina Morris have rebuilt a life together after battling addictions and living on the streets of Winnipeg.

Morris, who was abused at a young age, spent time working the street as a sex trade worker to feed her crack habit.

Hermkens, who called himself Dr. Drew the squeegee guy, regularly worked for a decade at the corner of Maryland Street and Portage Avenue, as well as on Regent Avenue, wiping windows for change.

"When I met them last December during our Harvesting Hope show, they had started to build a new life together," said CBC Information Radio host Marcy Markusa.

"Wait till you hear where they're at now."

Listen to Markusa's interview using the audio link at left.