
Whodunit? Strange thefts baffle Winnipeggers

A rash of unusual thefts across Winnipeg, with stolen goods ranging from a ceramic pig to several hundred logs, has some wondering what's behind the curious cases.

Rash of weird thefts baffles Winnipeggers

12 years ago
Duration 2:06
Series of strange theft cases in Winnipeg this summer has people wondering if the cases may be connected somehow.

A rash of unusual thefts across Winnipeg, with stolen goods ranging from a ceramic pig to several hundred logs, has some wondering what's behind the curious cases.

This summer has been one of weird thefts:

As well, the costume for Bruce the Mosasaur, mascot of the Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre, went missing from The Forks sometime between June 7 and 8.

Winnipeg police say it doesn't appear any of these thefts are connected, but some mystery buffs aren't so sure.

"There has to be a plot here. These can't be isolated incidents. It just wouldn't do," said Jack Bumsted, the owner of Whodunit? Mystery Bookstore.

Click on the video player above to watch the full report from the CBC's Katie Nicholson.