West Broadway Youth Outreach program welcomes inner city youth to new location
Outreach program moves from 28 by 18 foot spot to over 5,000 square feet of newly renovated space
It took nine months, but the West Broadway Youth Outreach program (WBYO) officially opened the doors at its new Portage Avenue location on Tuesday night.

"A space, a site that [the kids] are deserving of. A space where they aren't bumping elbows every time they turn," said Opaleke.
WBYO runs approximately 30 programs a week, aiming to provide a fun and safe after school environment for kids to learn and grow. The program teaches inner city youth life skills, positive behavior while supporting kids in the neighbourhood to reach their potential. Over 800 kids utilize their programming every year.
"This is the homework room! We have a kitchen, we have a music room. We have two bathrooms, wheelchair access, we have what we need for now," said Opaleke.
The WBYO will continue to use gym space at Gordon Bell High School and Mulvey School, but Opaleke said the new facility at 646 Portage Avenue will give the program an opportunity to expand the programming they currently offer to include "every life skill possible".