Walmart goes Visa free in Manitoba
Mega-retailer spends $100M annually on credit card fees, hopes to save money with Visa ban

As of Oct. 24, the 16 Walmart stores found through Manitoba will no longer accept Visa at the till, the mega-retailer confirmed Thursday.
"Manitoba was the next market that we felt was the right one for us to do develop this change," Alex Robertson with Walmart Canada told CBC News in Winnipeg Thursday.
Robertson said the company spends $100 million a year on credit card fees, and the move away from Visa is all about saving money.
This summer Visa bit back after Walmart announced plans to stop accepting its cards.
Walmart pulled Visa from stores in Thunder Bay recently and Robertson said the results there have been positive thus far.
"Customers have adopted alternate forms of payments and there's been minimal disruption to shopping patterns," he added.
MasterCard, American Express and Discover cards will continue to be accepted.