Stolen laptop has health info from 322 patients, says WHRA
Breach of privacy after laptop stolen from Winnipeg doctor's office

A laptop stolen from the Health Sciences Centre (HSC) contained personal health information from 322 patients, the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority said.
“We can appreciate how unsettling this must be for patients,” said Real Cloutier, vice-president and chief operating officer for the WHRA. “We are deeply sorry, and want to assure patients and the public we are looking at every option possible to get the laptop back.”
The laptop was taken from a doctor’s office in the HSC’s liver clinic and contained details on patients dating back 18 months.
“The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority takes patient privacy and its role in safeguarding personal health information seriously,” said Cloutier.
The WHRA said letters have been sent to all patients affected by the breach in privacy.
Winnipeg police are looking for the laptop. Cloutier said the WHRA is also conducting an internal investigation.